Episode 03: Kristi and Dawna De Silva, Shifting Atmospheres

January 25, 2018 00:52:51
Episode 03: Kristi and Dawna De Silva, Shifting Atmospheres
Dare To Believe Podcast
Episode 03: Kristi and Dawna De Silva, Shifting Atmospheres

Jan 25 2018 | 00:52:51


Show Notes

Introducing DAWNA DESILVA Pastor at Bethel Church in Redding, CA; cofounder Sozo Ministy DeSilva Ministries https://www.dawnadesilva.com/ “Who told me that? Are all of my thoughts my own or are there other contributors to what’s going on inside my head? Advertisers pay billions of dollars to get their product into our thought life, so it makes sense the devil is working hard to get there too.” Join Kristi on the road in California as she interviews pastor, author and speaker Dawna DeSilva on her journey to understanding and shifting the atmosphere influencing us.  

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