2.14 Dano and Regina McCollam: Simple Steps of Faith

August 27, 2019 00:28:39
2.14 Dano and Regina McCollam: Simple Steps of Faith
Dare To Believe Podcast
2.14 Dano and Regina McCollam: Simple Steps of Faith

Aug 27 2019 | 00:28:39


Show Notes

Many of us have spent time thinking about our destiny. Why did God make me? And what are the good works he’s prepared in advance for me to do? Or maybe we know where we’re called, but the task is far too big and we have no idea how to start. Well, then you’re in good company! Join Kristi on the road as she interviews Dano and Regina McCollam and hears how their simple steps of faith and obedience opened the door to their destiny. Throughout this episode, the McCollams share how they often had no idea how to do what God called them to, but they took a small step of faith and God was faithful in return time and again. Likewise, the disciples asked Jesus about the same concept in John 6:28-29: “Then they asked him, ‘What must we do to do the works God requires?’ Jesus answered, ‘The Work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.’” Be encouraged to believe and take a small step today! Episode Highlights Include: Contact Dano and Regina:

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