Latest Episodes
3.02 Matt and Sherry McPherson: God’s Business
NOTE: In a season where many things around us, including our jobs and economy are shaking, we've got some good news: God is releasing...
3.01 Ruth Buezis: Awaken Love
We’re back with Season 3 of the Dare to Believe Podcast! We’re pulling out the big guns for the best season yet, hitting all...
2.22 Kristi and Rebecca: Dreams, Part 5
We're back for the Season Two Finale with one of our favorite subjects: Dreams! In this installment of the listener-favorite series, Kristi and Rebecca...
2.21 Dave and Taff Harvey: Living the Impossible
What would you do if you felt like God told you to sell your car and give away the proceeds? Or you felt led...
2.20 Kim and Shari Babcock: Identity and Connection
Every episode on the Dare to Believe podcast is unique. There’s no script, only candid conversation with believers from all over the world sharing...
2.19 Becky Babcock: Walking by Faith
What does it look like to live following God's leading? For at least one person it means moving to Argentina and starting two ministry...