Dietrich Bonhoeffer is credited with saying, “Truth divorced from experience must always dwell in the realm of doubt.”
For many of us, a seed of doubt about God’s unique love for me exist in the back of our minds. When our understanding of God is devoid of encounter, that doubt lingers and can even grow. Self-discipline, moral living, and church attendance alone can’t extinguish that doubt, only a personal encounter with God can. Join Kristi and the lovely, loving Judy Franklin as Judy shares her incredible discovery of the Father’s overwhelming and unique love for her. If you’ve ever longed for an encounter with God, desired a deeper connection, or even struggled with doubts over his personal love, this episode is for you.
Kristi and Rebecca are back for a second episode about Ancient Hebraic Dream interpretation. In this fascinating and informative episode, Kristi interprets dreams and...
“Don’t be afraid of failure,” said businessman and minister Armin Assadi. “Be afraid of success. I had everything the world told me would make...
All of us have a God-given assignment to make earth look like heaven. This path toward kingdom transformation inevitably involves killing a giant or...